
PT Angkasa Pura I manages 15 airports located in business and tourist centers in the central and eastern regions of Indonesia

PT Angkasa Pura I manages 15 airports located in business and tourist centers in the central and eastern regions of Indonesia

Along with airport development carried out by the company to improve facilities and services for airport users, PT Angkasa Pura I opens opportunities for cooperation in the management of commercial areas for Retail, Food & Beverage and Services businesses both in the airside and landside areas. The diverse demographics of passengers at PT Angkasa Pura I airports are potential opportunities to develop various business activities. Let's join PT Angkasa Pura I to jointly realize the best service commitment to the community and airport service users.



Retail General Enquiry

Non Aviation Marketing Group


tel. (021) 654 1961 ext. 2231 


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