Pt Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Announced The Participant Names Who Passed The Employee Candicate Interview Of AVSEC Officer, ARFF Officer& AOPS Officer In 2017

03 Aug 2017

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JAKARTA - The Committee of Employee Candidate Acceptance of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Aviation Security Officer, Airport Rescue & Fire Fighting Officer, and Airport Operation Officer Year 2017, announced the attached names that passed in the Interview Phase. The test participants whose names were listed and passed will follow the implementation of Health Test on a predetermined schedule.

The location for Health Test is located at:
PRODIA CLINIC LABORATORY Jl. Bintaran Kulon 28, Yogyakarta City, 55151

 Conditions in following the implementation of Health Test are as follows:

  1. Bring Identity Card (KTP / SIM);
  2. Bring the Participant's Identification Card;
  3. Bring 4x6 size photographs of 2 (two) pieces;
  4. Attend 30 minutes before the scheduled time;
  5. Using sportswear (polite);
  6. a. For Participants Who Will Conduct Laboratory Test at 07.00 WIB, is required to Start Fasting the night before the examination (last Dinner at 20.00 WIB);
  1. For Participants Who Will Conduct Laboratory Test At 09.00 WIB, is required to Start Fasting the night before the examination (last Dinner at 22.00 WIB); (Maximum fasting 12 hours and only allowed to drink water only);
  1. Participants are required to first clean the serumen (ear wax) to ENT Specialist Doctors;
  2. Not recommended to do heavy physical activity before the test and maintain the diet;
  3. Not take any medication at least 3 days before the test except at the request of the doctor (If the patient is taking the drug please be notified to the laboratory officer)
  4. It is recommended that participants are free from noisy exposure (do not use headset / earphone) at least 12-24 hours before Laboratory test.


• Participants who are not present according to a predetermined schedule will be considered FAILED;

• In the process of Recruitment and Selection of Candidate Employees, the Committee shall NOT charge fees;

• Applicants are encouraged to ignore promising parties to assist graduation in the selection process;

• The result of selection absolutely becomes the decision of the committee and can not be contested.

The names of participants who passed the Interview of AVSEC Officer, ARFF Officer and AOPS Officer can be downloaded at INFO REKRUTMENT
