Commission VI Of House Of Representatives RI Appreciated Angkasa Pura Airports's Efforts For Accelerating The Development Of Kulonprogo Airport

02 May 2018

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KULON PROGO - Commission VI of the House of Representatives appreciated the efforts made by Angkasa Pura Airports in accelerating the development of Yogyakarta International Airport. This was conveyed by the Chairman of Commission VI of the House of Representatives Teguh Juwarno in the area of ​​Yogyakarta International Airport development project in Temon Sub-district, Kulonprogo Regency, DI Yogyakarta Province, Wednesday (2/5/2018) afternoon.

"We want to see the progress of development and how the planning is related to the airport development in Kulonprogo. And we should appreciate what Angkasa Pura Airports has done. All the stages are still in progress," Teguh said, who came along with 22 other members of Commission VI DPR RI.

Related to the existence of some residents who rejected the airport and stayed at the construction site, according to Teguh need to be given a correct understanding and approach that this airport was a very useful public facilities. "Legally there is no longer any problem in land acquisition. Because with the existing rules of law, people who refused and had objections on compensation money which deposited in court through consignment. Moreover, in the compensation, I think it’s also very reasonable, even the citizens are given compensation for reimbursement," said by politician of the National Mandate Party (PAN).

Teguh said the Angkasa Pura Airports has made a good effort to prepare the concept of residential and rented house for citizens who refused the airport. " Such an approach should be done to convince them. We ask friends at Angkasa Pura Airports to continue to approach the people by touching the human side. I believe our friends here can do that. It's a matter of patience to find the best solution. God willing, God will give way, because this is good intention really," said by the man born in Wonosobo, Central Java, 1 November 1968.

Commission VI also requested that citizens be given training and skills to anticipate the transfer of work. "Then there will be a priority for affected residents to be able to work in the airport environment, and the new airport can facilitate business space for the perpetrators of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)," Teguh said as the former broadcaster RCTI.

Teguh further requested that airport development be continued. Because according to him from the funding side there was no problem, Angkasa Pura Airports was very ready in this case. "Of the cost incurred per square meter is good, the results will hopefully also good. I am sure this airport will provide multiplier effect, able to prosper society, and open employment. Kulonprogo and Yogyakarta communities will be able to benefit greatly from the existence of this airport. And because this airport can be landed wide-bodied aircraft, then foreign tourists can go straight here. Not through Jakarta or Bali, but direct to Yogyakarta, "he said optimistically.

Meanwhile, the President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports Faik Fahmi said that the House of Representatives Commission VI came to see the progress and process that has been, was, and will be done by Angkasa Pura Airports related to the construction of Yogyakarta International Airport in Kulonprogo. "Angkasa Pura I is optimistic to finish this project on schedule. If the process of moving the citizens run smoothly, smooth development, then God willing can be fulfilled. The issue of funding is also no problem, we have prepared from syndicated banking, bonds, and internal cash," Faik said.

According to Faik, the airport was built for the benefit of the people of Yogyakarta and has been eagerly awaited for so long. "We are trying to meet the expectations of the people of Yogyakarta. With a new airport capacity that can accommodate 14 million passengers per year and runways along the 3,250 meters, it was expected tourists will be able to go directly through this gate. "Thus, tourists from abroad will increase significantly. Economically, it will definitely have a positive impact for the people," said by Faik.

Regarding the rejection of a small number of residents, Faik will put forward a dialogical approach. "We have been very proactive in conducting dialogical approaches. The principle that this project is a good thing for the community, then we do with a good approach as well. By law we follow, in communication we have also set up a help desk in an effort to provide solutions proactively. Directly and indirectly we continue to approach. We do not want to disappoint the people of Yogyakarta, so we try to do our best,” Faik said. [AH]
